Zinc and copper are essential nutrients for animal health
With the use of copper and zinc you can prevent starvation in animals, poor mineral nutrition, poor animal growth and welfare and disease. Depending on the formulation by a nutritionist, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate and Emerald- C can be used in a complete animal feed to ensure healthy growth and development. Our copper sulfate, zinc sulfate and Emerald-C are certified for use in organic animal feed.
Old Bridge Chemicals is a trusted brand in the animal feed industry due to our certifications, quality guarantee and traceability of our product.
Understanding the source and manufacturing of Copper and Zinc based minerals, while ensuring their quality, is essential to us and in every decision we make. Our deep understanding of how to manufacture Copper and Zinc based minerals is our core foundation and a vital part of the superior quality, consistency and service that we provide.
Additionally, as the largest manufacturer of Copper and Zinc based minerals, we are able to customize products to ensure they deliver optimal mineral nutritional balance in your animal feed and food products as well as in your crops.
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Explore Copper Products

Explore Zinc Products
Zinc carbonate
Zinc sulfate
Zinc Sulfate Monohydrate Feed/Fertilizer Grade*
*granular, mini-granular, powder forms available