A higher standard
for Mineral manufactures
We manufacture the best products
and provide the best experience,
all in one place.
Whatever It takes
To provide you with the highest quality products in an easy, expedited and effective way
To deliver exceptional service and consistent quality that you expect and deserve
To make it easy for you to do business with us

We’re not just
a MINERAL manufacturer
We’re your partner
Old bridge Minerals is who
you go to when you need...
Reliability & speed
custom blended products
consistent quality products
shipments on time, every-time
Specific packaging
Traceability at every step
Comfort in knowing where you materials are sourced from
Trust us, we’ve been doing this for over 60 years
You deserve The best
The best service, products and quality
at the best possible price
American Made from American Materials
New Jersey
Certified Lab on site
Certified Lab on site
Free from heavy
Laden metals
Laden metals
Multiple grades
and certifications
and certifications
All of our products
Are 100% tested
Are 100% tested
Explore our products
Join the 200+ companies in trusting Old Bridge Minerals
8 million +
We make over 8 million lbs of copper sulfate per month
3 million +
We make over 3 million lbs of zinc sulfate per month
24 / 7 / 365
We ship 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
All of our products are 100% tested
60 years +
Experience manufacturing copper & zinc sulfate